In August 2020, Administration and Finance (A&F) launched its strategic planning process. The division-level strategic plan clarifies A&F's contribution to the Institute goals and describes our priorities for the next 5 years. Our plan will clearly articulate A&F's unique contribution to the new Georgia Tech strategic plan and include a detailed implementation plan that describes how each unit will contribute.

The A&F Strategic Plan will also become an integral part of the budgeting process for the next fiscal year as well as shape the performance goals for A&F employees in the next calendar year. For FY21 and FY22, A&F will focus on programs and initiatives that support how we amplify impact, lead by example, and cultivate well-being.

Mission Statement

Administration and Finance brings together people, practices, resources, and technology to provide high-quality, inclusive, innovative experiences and develop leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition.

Vision Statement

We will be valued partners and innovative problem-solvers committed to providing exceptional service and creating a sustainable and supportive environment where every member of the Georgia Tech community can thrive.

Amplify Impact

Goal 1: Students - Enable transformative learning experiences to help students grow as creative, ethical, globally aware, and technologically sophisticated leaders.

  • Objective 1: Collaborate and partner with the campus community to effectively pilot and translate learning opportunities into real-world applications.
  • Objective 2: Explore and pilot ways to provide more access to, and creative use of, existing and emerging resources including campus space and institutional data.

Goal 2: Institute - Support the Institute in generating talent and solutions to help define and address the most critical problems locally and globally.

  • Objective 1: Be the nation's leading source of sought-after talent in technology-related fields at all career stages.
  • Objective 2: Be an anchor institution, partner, and catalyst of sustainable development in our city and our state.

Lead by Example

Goal 3: Sustainability - Support and champion Georgia Tech as an anchor institution and minimize harmful impacts and maximize behaviors in support of a sustainable future by applying a triple bottom line approach (people, planet, profit) to our decisions.

  • Objective 1: Demonstrate our commitment to sustainability in the development and management of our campus.
  • Objective 2: Develop a plan alongside our research and instructional partners that will enable our campus and operations to be leveraged as a living learning lab (L3) environment that engages students, faculty, and staff to support a sustainable future.

Goal 4: Exceptional Service - Develop a shared understanding of our future by anticipating customer needs, soliciting feedback, and implementing continuous improvement with a focus on evaluating and intentionally eliminating ongoing projects, activities, and services that do not align with strategic priorities.

  • Objective 1: Be a model of excellence through continuous improvement, deliberate innovation, and best practices in all services, systems, and practices.
  • Objective 2: Be a leader in leveraging data analytic tools and processes to inform decision-making, and be an example in the protection, management, and governance of data.

Goal 5: Ethics, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion - Positively improve the human condition through ethical, diverse, equitable, and inclusive behaviors and practices.

  • Objective 1: Through education, create a culture that is ethical, diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
  • Objective 2: Continually assess diversity and equity within all A&F staff positions and realign as needed.

Goal 6: Workforce - Provide growth opportunities and build career pathways for staff to develop and advance.

  • Objective 1: Develop a world-class workforce committed to enhancing employee skills and providing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment.

Cultivate Well-Being

Goal 7: Environment - Create and sustain a thriving community for learning, service, wellness, and safety.

  • Objective 1: Unite all units of A&F to co-create a thriving culture at Georgia Tech.

Goal 8: Engagement - Cultivate well-being and inspire opportunities for active engagement within our campus community.

  • Objective 1: Implement effective programs, services, continuing education, and resources that provide opportunities for holistic well-being.

Goal 9: Experience - Foster connectivity by delivering excellent experiences through a “people-first” model.

  • Objective 1: Exceed customer expectations for products, services, and experiences within A&F.

Expand Access

Goal 10: Community Building - Partner across the Institute to expand support for research and professional opportunities for our future students.

  • Objective 1: Help to create an environment where students from disadvantaged communities can succeed (e.g., hiring federal work-study students).
  • Objective 2: Conduct intentional outreach to metro Atlanta schools to offer opportunities to local secondary school students.

Goal 11:  Eliminate Barriers - Enable physical space and technology to eliminate environmental barriers, so all community members can equally engage in services and experiences.

  • Objective 1: Collaborate with A&F department leaders to strengthen communication and eliminate barriers related to silos.

Connect Globally

Goal 12: Global Services - Grow A&F’s capacity as an Institute enterprise to deliver consistent services and experiences globally. 

  • Objective 1: Determine/understand and align strategy and standards for Institute management across the global enterprise.
  • Objective 2: Enhance the accessible digital platform and technology experience for learning and working.
  • Objective 3: Define business and hiring models to support a flexible, international workforce.

Goal 13:  Global Influences - Learn and incorporate global perspectives through action while being recognized as a global resource in higher education.

  • Objective 1: Increase communication, engagement, and awareness of global culture and connectedness of Georgia Tech and A&F.
  • Objective 2: Demonstrate and promote “global-to-local" industry leadership within the University System of Georgia, Georgia, metro Atlanta region, other higher education organizations, and other peer entities.
  • Objective 3: Demonstrate through action and decision-making the highest and best global standards for sustainability (United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Climate Accord, etc.).

Goal 14:  Global Partnerships - Create and foster internal and external networks to establish a global collaborative culture within A&F.

  • Objective 1: Expand internal partnerships to support services and enhance experiences for the international community.
  • Objective 2: Be a hub of a global learning and an innovation network through global partnerships, alumni engagement, lifelong learning, and research collaborations.

Champion Innovation

Goal 15: Model Innovation - Model innovation, inclusion, and entrepreneurship, and collaborate actively across the Institute by including diverse thoughts and experiences.

  • Objective 1: Proactively test alternative methods and pivot quickly where necessary.
  • Objective 2: Build a team committed to building anticipatory processes designed to solve customer needs before they express those needs.
  • Objective 3: Create a support structure for cross-department/cross-division collaboration.
  • Objective 4: Define what innovative success looks like in each unit within A&F based on a focus on people, processes, and technology — with leaders creating the capacity for innovation by understanding their teams' innovation assumptions and actively pursuing new information to challenge those assumptions.